Ask your MP to speak up for child health in Westminster

With your MP back in the consituency for summer recess, it is a great time for them to learn more about the issues important to their constituents. Your voice can encourage them to become a champion for child health and paediatrics in Westminster. 

We've created this e-action to make it as easy as possible to email your MP. It takes just a few minutes and is open to College members living in the UK.

What are we asking? 

To often the unique needs of children and young people are neglected in government policymaking. That's why we want MPs in Westminster, whether in government or opposition, to be supported to speak up for paediatricians and child health. You could help encourage your Westminster MP to use their position to ensure the child health perspective isn't lost and to champion policy change. 
While health is devolved, your MP in Westminster will still have the opportunitiy to speak up in debates and questions on issues that impact children's health and wellbeing. 
We've drafted a template email for your MP that explains why they should speak up and how the College can support them to do so. 

Use our template to email your MP

Our template letter can be emailed to your Westminster MP in its current form. You can also add anything from your professional experience to highlight why it is important to you for your MP to be a champion for child health and paediatrics. 

We have included text for the email in Welsh and in English. You are welcome to keep both if you do not wish to edit the text, or you can simply delete either the Welsh or the English text to reflect your language preference. Please note that if you edit the message either in Welsh or in English, you may wish to delete the message in the other language or apply the same edits.

Rydym wedi cynnwys testun ar gyfer yr e-bost hwn yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg. Mae croeso i chi gadw'r ddau os nad ydych am olygu'r testun, neu gallwch ddileu'r testun Cymraeg neu Saesneg i adlewyrchu eich dewis iaith. Sylwch, os ydych yn golygu'r neges naill ai yn Gymraeg neu yn Saesneg, efallai yr hoffech ddileu'r neges yn yr iaith arall neu wneud yr un golygiadau.

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